Make it: Pumpkin Fever

Oh Autumn, we love you so, but (spoiler alert) sometimes the inspiration doesn't strike us and we just want to hibernate rather than make all the fun Halloween themed goodies.

So we thought, why not send you back to a few of our most loved Pumpkin DIY's, so that should you want to do something with the children this week, or just potter about this week making your home look a bit more pumpkin themed, then these DIY's are all for you!

First up is the Pumpkin pincushion we made way back in 2013, but its ever so cute and can be made with or without scary face!

Next is this fabric pumpkin, which was actually from our three types of Pumpkins DIY's post in 2014.  If you don't like this one there was 2 others to choose from, that use netting or foam.

Then of course last year we made conker pumpkins that are super fun and easy to make, especially with the children.

But of course, I know this post is all about the pumpkins, but I couldn't resist putting in this little beauty of a pom pom critters DIY that is one of our favourites!

Technically the picture has pumpkins in!?!  ha ha.

Have a good week guys and if you are planning for a Halloween Party, have fun and don't forget to carve or make your own Pumpkin!

H, xxx

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