October Comfort food

After a bit of a break, the food posts are back and so is my appetite for finding new recipes.  The winter months always encourage me to find new things to cook as I don't mind spending time in the warm of the kitchen.  I have been checking out You tube a lot for these treats and so am sharing a few new places to try and hunt for recipes.

First up is this Italian inspired chicken from The Domestic Geek which just looks super warming and easy to cook on a Sunday evening for a good few days of food prep.

Next is one thing that as someone who can't eat dairy free, seems to miss out on, Fudge!  oh yes, fudge.  This one from Todd's Kitchen is made from coconut milk and so super easy to find the ingredients too, which is also a great thing.

Back to something healthy, this Easy Mexican bake by The Lean Machines is again super easy and looks great for a dinner party I think, or just for yourself.  They have a recipe book out too, which has some great recipes in it and so do check that out too.

Lastly its back to the dairy free dessert with this Chocolate & Vanilla layer cake from Liv's Healthy Life.  She sometimes uses nuts in her dairy free recipes, but this one is different and so I don't have to try and find substitutes, which is always a bonus.

That's it for this month's food treats, although it is hard not to drool on my keyboard!

What's on your list of recipes to try this Autumn?

H, xxx

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