Make it: Colourful Paint Palette

Its a quick but fun little DIY for you today as I really wanted to use some ceramic pens that had been languishing in my craft stash for a while.  I thought what better way to use them than the usual mug or plate designs, than to make a colourful paint palette for the artist in you or as a present.

So, to start, it really is so simple, you will need: a surface to colour in (I used an old soup plate that I usually use as a palette and so it seemed to lend itself well for this project), Ceramic pens/paints or sharpies and an oven.

I decided that I wanted my plate to be the palette it usually is and so splodges of 'paint' were what I was going for.  I had these pens, but perhaps if you were using paints you could give them a curvier edge like paint splatters.
I felt I wanted to add some text too, for a little paint inspiration and so I added the 'get creative' text on the edge of the plate.
Then I popped the plate in the oven for around 30 mins at 160 degrees so that the pen paint will stay on the plate when washed.  Do remember to use a surface that will be able to withstand the heat in the oven otherwise it will crack.  I then added my handmade ceramic pot I use as my water pot (but any mug or cup will do) and its finished, told you it was simple.

You could make this as elaborate as you like with more colours, more text or patterns.  You could even have circles of colour and so your actual paint will go in the spaces.  It easier on a flat surface, painting onto a mug can be hard due to the round surface, but a bit of practice and also a cloth dampened with warm water will take away any mistakes quickly.

Hope you liked this little tutorial, these pens are so much fun for children to use too, so maybe it could be an Easter Holiday activity to keep those little ones busy if the rain keeps coming.


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