Make it: Holiday Luggage Tags

Whilst checking out the 'every-things a pound' store the other day I came across these awesome colourful luggage tags and without a second thought I had bought one in every colour... They were £1 each, that is a bargain! I loved them but I knew I couldn't just leave them plain, I needed to spruce them up a little. So I reached for my trusty gold paint and got stuck right in.

You will need: a luggage tag, liquid leaf gold paint and a selection of things to mask off areas - I used washi tape, letter stickers and hole re-enforcers.

For those in the USA, the Martha Stewart gold liquid gilding is brilliant for this, for us UK lovelies this Liquid Leaf is almost exactly the same product.  So for anyone over here lusting after a bit of Martha's gold (like I was), fear not Liquid Leaf is your answer.

I started by taping off a section and popping some hole enforcers onto this one to create a pattern

Then I simply painted over the tag with my gold leaf where I wanted it to be.

For my personalised tag, I used washi tape and letter stickers to mark out my Monogram onto the pink tag.

Once my paint had dried (the Liquid Leaf touch dries pretty fast, but I would leave it a little longer before you use the product to give it time to dry fully) I simply peeled off the stickers using tweezers, to leave my design in relief.

I also had a go at free handing a little message which also looks pretty cool.

So there you have it, a really easy way to identify your luggage at the airport this summer. I am off to paint like 20 more for all the girls coming to Vegas in August for my friends Hen do!

Where are you headed this summer? Are you off via plane, train or Auto-mobile? Steve and I are off for a week, driving to Austria and back via Germany. I can't wait!

Sammy xxx

Just a quick question for you all...
Is there anything you would like to see us D.I.Y. here on Live it. Love it Make it. over the summer? Any tips or tricks in particular you want to know more about??
Let us know in the comments below or as usual on Facebook or Twitter (links below) Thanks xxx

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