Love it: Brush up those Blogging Skills

I am a person that really enjoys learning at my own speed and from the comfort of my own home so I am a big fan of e-courses. I have taken a few in my time online and I plan on taking many many more in the future. I am going on a road trip to Austria with Steve in a week or so and we have a few day trips to go on when we get there but we also have a lot of driving to do and a couple of chill out days and so I thought I would take the opportunity to brush up my blogging know how whilst we are away.

Today I thought I would let you know some of my favourite places to find useful e-courses on the net. 

The first is a course that everyone needs to take by the gorgeous Ann-Marie of Make it happen: A guide to getting it done and feeling good about it Who doesn't need to learn how to do this better right? Get your butt over to Ann-Marie's shop and get learning!

The girls at A Beautiful Mess have just re-launched their epic 'Blog Life' and 'Blog Design Love' courses in their shiny new online store. Despite having taken both these courses in the past I have signed up for both the new versions already. I love the way these girls teach and they now have a bunch of crash courses available too, Macaroons 101 anyone?
Check out Blog Life here.

This offering is one class in particular, but a site that has changed the way I learn. Skillshare is a site chocca-block with creative e-courses, with everything from Photoshop to Calligraphy.  If there is something you want to learn about then there will no doubt be a course here for you. The one that I have loved the most, was by one of my favourite bloggers Brittany Mehlhoff of Paper & Stitch. This course 'The How to on How tos' teaches you how to create tutorials for your own blog. Check it out, it has some great photography tips in there too.

Make Your Day is a download from Lovely Indeed's Chelsea and The Paper Mama's Chelsea. It is more of a e-book but a great read none the less, a great DIY master-class with tips, tricks and projects to keep you DIY-ing all day long.

This Photography e-course from the brains behind Blogtacular, Kat Molesworth and Kat Goldin, is a great alternative to heading to your local evening class to brush up on your DSLR skills. Manual Overdrive (awesome name) is designed to take your photography to the next level and you know from the Kat's blogs, Housewife Confidential and Slugs on the Refrigerator that they know what they are talking about. Sign up soon though as these amazing ladies are heading on to bigger and better things, but the instant access courses will only be available until the end of the year.

Blogshop is THE Photoshop boot-camp. Run by the amazing Bri ( DesignLoveFest) and Angela (Angela and Ithyle) it is famous for its photography styling sessions and EPIC goodies bags. The best news is that it is now available as an online course. It is also open to us PC users as well as apple lovelies. Seriously best news ever!! 

The epitome of blogging workshops is surely Rock and Roll Bride's 'The Blogcademy' H and I have been saving up to both go to this since we started blogging so we were super excited that the girls have now released online video sessions ( some free and some for a small fee) so we can watch them whilst we carry on saving. I love that they have split them up so you can pick and choose which modules you work on first. Awesome!

I hope this has inspired you to learn something new this summer. Have you ever taken an e-course before and did you enjoy it? Do let us know we are always on the look out for new things to learn. 

Sammy xxx

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