Who's who: Miss Maker

This month's Who's who comes courtesy of the lovely Miss Maker.  H has seen her little place in Hampshire on her travels back to the homelands and so thought it would be nice to share her with the rest of you.

Who are you?
Clare Blackmore-Davies, wife to the lovely John, mum to the adorable Finn, and around all that Miss Maker - prolific crafter and excitable sewing tutor.

What do you do?
Provide fun one day courses, well-earned sewing escapes and one to one sewing tuition for North Hampshire and beyond. I compliment this with a little online shop stocking products I use in my courses and my own kits and patterns.

How did you start?
I was bought my first sewing machine at seven by my grandmother who was a skilled seamstress. I spent many happy hours with her as she taught me everything she knew, I continued to read up on techniques and experiment with textiles, learning all the time and keeping sewing close to my heart throughout school, university, a 'normal' career and starting a family - the stars all aligned in Dec 2010 when I was able to take voluntary redundancy and launch Miss Maker.

Whats Next?
Keep up with demand, grow steadily, make plans…..

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to the beginning? 
To the 7 year old me - ask more questions and write more notes,
To the 18 year old me - study more, sew less,
To the 36 year old me - sew more, work less :o) 

We think Miss Maker is on track to achieve her dreams and if this lovely little tractor rucksack is anything to go by, I think quite a lot of children will be getting Miss Maker products too!

Live it.  Love it.  Make it
H & Sammy

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