Who's Your Solemate? with Wynsors Shoes

It is not often in life that you get moments that so heavily effect your future in such an amazing way, you can't imagine your life if it didn't happen. I feel like that about the moment H and I met. If you have been reading our blog for a while you will know that we met over 15 years ago at college, we sat next to each other on our first day and have never looked back. We have been through make ups,  break ups, weddings, divorces, living round the corner from each other and living hundreds of miles apart, but one thing that has never changed is the passions that we share and our soul-mate status.

When Wynsors got in touch for us to be a part of there SOLEMATE campaign we knew right away this would be a good fit! We decided to choose a pair for each other, I chose H this great black shimmery slip-ons and she chose me some white Dunlop high tops which I customised with some teal laces. Wynsors have a great range of all different kinds of shoes at really great prices. We both burst out laughing when our shoes arrived and we realised that we both chose trainer style shoes for each other as our love of trainers is something we bonded over early on in our friendship.

Some of our favourite shoe memories were H saving up for her first pair of Adidas trainers, and me searching high and low across California to find the perfect pair of Vans. At one point in my life I owned a ludicrous 18 pairs of Nike's (yes I hoard, I am dealing with it)

Who knew that our need for cool, comfortable kicks would have been something that has made us laugh together so much over the years and I'm sure now that we have found Wynsors, for many years to come. When we sat next to each other that day back in 1998, it started a friendship that has stood the test of time and eventually, the blog that you are reading now, I am so grateful that we get to do the things we love together. Who is your solemate?

Sammy and H xx

Thanks to Wynsors for asking us to be a part of the Solemates campaign.

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