Christmas Wishlists 2015

It is that time again when people start asking what we have on our wishlists this year, It is a very mixed bag this year for both of us. We are at that age and lucky enough to be able to buy most of the things we need throughout the year so Christmas for us is about those little indulgences that we wouldn't normally buy for ourselves.

H's list
Nesting dolls  /  CYMK badge  /  Casserole dish  /  Blue coast jacket  /  Ceramic Bowl   /  Necklace

I am in love with ceramics right now and especially anything from the Hackney Potter. On a similar theme this concrete necklace from the lovely Rhiannon Palmer, if not the necklace itself then a chance to go on one of her workshops to learn how to make my own! This CYMK pin from our faves Hand Over Your Fairy Cakes has been on my list for ages and these amazing nesting dolls may have to be purchased with any monitory gifts I receive. I think the jacket and the casserole dish speak for themselves, not going to lie, mostly love them because they are blue!

Sammy's List
Scarf  /  Janome Overlocker  /  Kitchenaid  /  Bracelet  /   Sleep Spray  /   Socks  /  Keyring

I have a couple of heavy hitters on my list this year, the first is an overlocker, I have made do with my sewing machines overlocking stitch for so long and now that I am sewing more and more, I think its about time to branch out. And the second is a Kitchenaid mixer in pistachio... a girl can dream! On a more realistic note these cosy cashmere socks and gold tassel key ring from The White Company are just so yummy. H bought me a treat size of the This Works sleep spray last year and I am hoping someone will treat me to the full size this year as I love it. A new star scarf to add to the collection and this cute 'all you need is love' bracelet from Renegade discovery 'Oh Someday' are also being hinted at to my friends and family.

What is on your wishlist this year? Are you wishing for something really special or are you just hoping to spend some time with friends and family?  Are there any crafting goodies we should be adding to our lists??

H and Sammy xxx

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