Check this out: Art inspiration at Tate Modern

Last week I went for a cheeky trip to Tate Modern when I was in London.  As you know, I work in a Museum and Art Gallery and so sometimes going to see more Art can get put on the back burner.  But when I do go, I realise how much I miss it.

I love seeing what other museums have and being able to be anonymous within the artworks.  There was a new hang of the main collection to see this time called Making Traces, which I loved.

I am a fan of Abstract art and I know that it is not to everyone's taste, but I could sit and look at some of the pictures for hours.  I like to sit and look and see what I can see within the picture.  It might not be something realistic, but seeing the colours, lines and shapes made really resonates with me.

A few of my favourites are above in the pictures, which are referenced below.

Top left - Avis Newman - The Wing of the Wind of Madness 1982
Top right - Gerhard Richter - Cage (1) - (6) 2006
Bottom left - Jacqueline Humphries - Untitled 2014
Bottom right - Sam Francis - Around the Blues 1957/62

I particular liked the Ritcher Cage paintings as it was a room of similar pictures, with different colours.  If there had of been seating in the room, I would have sat for hours in there.

I am a big fan of abstract paintings particularly and whenever I see it, I just want to get a studio somewhere and paint.  Make a mess, get paint all over the floor and myself and feel the texture of paint in my fingers.  Maybe it comes from being little and wanting to feel the paint on your hands.  I see it all the time with the children we see at the museum, paint everywhere, eating it, paint in there fingers and in their hair!  Just how paint should be enjoyed.

It may be a little early for resolutions around here, but I want to make more time for inspiration trips like this next year and for doing creative stuff, for well, just because.  Maybe I will start one of those sketchbook ideas, where I do something experimental and fun in a sketchbook just to see what comes.

What gets you inspired?  Do you have a favourite place to remind yourself of what you love?

H, xxx

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