Make it: Bias Bracelets 3 Ways

I have a cute summery DIY for you today using one my favourite trimmings right now, Bias Binding. If you read my post in May about how to use it you will have seen how to apply it to sewing projects to get a professional finish, but some of the bias we have at Sew Crafty is pretty enough to use on its own. I thought I would show you three ways to use it to make some cute, summer holiday friendly accessories.

To estimate the length of bias you need to make each bracelet measure around your hand at it's widest point and add 2cm. For version 3 you will want to add an additional 8cm to allow for tying.

For Version 1 - Stuffed Bangles you will need:
Bias binding, thread, needle, bodkin, glue, stuffing, large jump rings and charms of your choice (optional).  Sewing machine (optional)

Step 1: take your bias and fold it in half along the length, right sides together.
Step 2: sew along the length of the tape, I like to do it twice to give it more strength.
Step 3: use the bodkin to turn the bias tube right side out.
Step 4: sew up one end of the tube.
Step 5: stuff the tube with the stuffing, make it a little easier by rolling it into a tube before you stuff.
Step 7: when the tube is full, fold the raw edge in and pop some glue in the end.
Step 8: push the sewn up end into the glued end and let it dry.
Step 9: take a spare strip of matching bias and glue it around the join to make it more secure.

Make a stack in different colours and add charms using large jump rings, to add a little personality.

For Version 2 - plaited bangle you will need:
bias binding, needle and thread, bulldog clip, and masking tape.  Sewing machine (optional)

Step 1: fold your bias in half with all the raw edges inside and sew along the length.
Step 2: once you have three lengths put them one on top of another and put them in the clip.
Step 3: tape the clip to a sturdy surface and start plaiting.
Step 4: plait side to middle until you reach the end.
Step 5: wrap a spare piece of bias around one end and glue it in place before removing the clip and cutting away the excess.
Step 6: pop some glue on the other end and overlap it with the wrapped end, then continue wrapping until both ends are joined and neatly under the bias wrap.

You can see if you use three different colours or patterns they look really cute. You could add charms to these too if you just use on colour or add a little bow to one side with some ribbon.

For Version 3 you will need:
Bias binding, needle and thread, jump rings and charms of your choice.

Step 1: fold your bias in half with all the raw edges inside and sew along the length. 
Step 2: thread a charm onto a jump ring, then thread the ring onto the bias and tie a knot over the ring to hold it in place.
Step 3: tie it around your wrist and wear it with pride. 

Seriously these have to be the cutest bracelets ever and so easy to make!  You can make bias out of pretty much any fabric so you could make them to match any outfit!  I made some out of lame to add a hint of metallic to my stack.

I would love to see if you make yourself a set of these lovelies, don't forget to take a photo and tag us on instagram @liveit.loveit.makeit and use the #livelovemake

Have a lovely weekend
Sammy xxx

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