Who's Who: Designosaur

This month see's another of our finds at Renegade Craft Fair and who couldn't love Jewellery with dinosaurs!  So let's find out a bit more about them.

Who are you?
We are Jacques and Karli the CEO's, founders, designers and makers of designosaur.

What do you do?
We make fun, bright, brash, sometimes dinosaur inspired laser cut jewellery and screen printed tights. We hope that we are creating jewellery that stands out from the crowd and is exciting to wear. Everything we design, is hand drawn, laser cut and assembled by us.

How did you start?
Jacques and I both have Product Design degrees, in fact that's how we met. In the beginning Jacques started making children's mirrors for the laser cutters he was working at. There was one shiny Brachiosaurus which took my fancy, I held up to myself and suggested that it would look great as a GIANT necklace. I was so excited about it that Jacques made it into the very first designosaur necklace for me! I'm not really sure what happened between then and now, we didn't really plan to have a handmade business but it's great to be able to design and create everyday! We have so many ideas with very little time!

What's Next?
We have achieved so much over the last (nearly) two years. We have done craft fairs including Renegade London, a trade fair, we now have around 30 stockists and things just keep getting bigger and better! We would love to do one of the American Renegade Craft Fairs, have a Pop Up shop and continue to take over the world ;)

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to the beginning?
Don't doubt yourself so much. I think this one still applies and although it is good to look at your work with a critical eye. I don't think we would have started our business if other people hadn't seen, and liked our designs right at the beginning.

We love these guys work, it's just nice to see fun and interesting jewellery out there.  One thing that H find's difficult is that she can't wear anything with nickel, so the plastic and wooden rings are great and the necklace chains can easily be replaced!  What do you guys think of designosaur?  Let us know in the comments below.

H & Sammy