Make it: Left-Over Easter Chocolate Ideas

If you are anything like me, you have about three tonnes of the good stuff left over from the Easter weekend. In order to stop my bathroom scales from telling me things I don't like to hear, I have come up with some ways to make my chocolate stash last until... well maybe... May? I thought some of you might like to join me in trying to not eat it all in one sitting and you could also share it around as it changes from Easter treats to general chocolatey goodness.

I started by making chocolate bark, I have made this a few times before, inspired by the Hotel Chocolat slabs, I took a few of the larger eggs and melted them down. 

I lined a baking tray with grease proof paper...

Then pored the melted chocolate in...

Added some white chocolate and swirled it around....

smashed up some mini eggs...

Sprinkled them on top and popped it in the fridge.

Next the fun bit, smash it to bits!

The key to this is to smash it into small pieces and put it in separate packages or sandwich bags. Better still, pack it up into cellophane bags and give it away as gifts to your friends.

I had a little bit of chocolate left over so I tried a couple of other ideas too. I filled some mini ice-cube trays to make some bite size treats.

Then of course my favourite chocolate covered strawberries, these count as one of your five a day right?

Check out some of these other brilliant ideas for all those chocolate leftovers.
Chocolate mousse, Orange and white chocolate muffins, Mini egg cookies and my favourite, Chocolate Mousse Pie! YUM!

I hope these ideas have been of some use in making all that sweet stuff last a little longer and that you are having a lovely long weekend whatever you are up to.

Sammy xxx