Liam Hemsworth Drawing & Sammy's on Tumblr

I haven't talked about drawing on here for a while and I just finished this one of Liam Hemsworth at the weekend, so I thought it would be a good time to share.

I have been working on this one for the longest time ever, like months, I kept picking it up and putting it down again. I'm still not totally happy with it now, but sometimes I just have to step away for a while, I'm sure when I look at it in a month or so I will really like it. Does that ever happen to you? I sometimes get it when I make clothes or buy them after wish-listing them for ages, I have to not look at them for a while until I rediscover them and love them again, just me?? 

I have also joined Tumblr, just for my drawings. Still not sure if I like it or not, but I wasn't sure about twitter at first (still not entirely sold) so I'm sure it will grow on me.
Are you on Tumblr? I'm trying to find some good people to follow, any suggestions?? 

Back to Liam Hemsworth.  I chose to draw him in particular because of ' The Hunger Games' you may remember I have already done a drawing of Jennifer Lawence back in 2011.  I am so excited for the next movie, I am hoping to seeing more of Liam in this one, I vaguely remember more of Gale in the second book. Our friend Verity (who originally recommended the books to me) sent me a link to the newest trailer for 'Catching Fire' the other day (we geek out over Hunger Games with each other via what's app on a pretty regular basis) It looks awesome. 

I am hoping to take Steve to see 'The Wolverine' at the weekend, we love the X-men films, not to mention a little Hugh Jackman shaped eye candy is always nice. 
What Movies are you looking forward to catching?

Sammy xxx