Renegade Wishlist

House Frame Pendant from A Weathered Penny  /  Concrete Succulent pot from Concrete Jungles  /  Geometric Hanger from Geo-Fleur  /  Cloudy Stars Notebook by Nikki Strange  /  We're All Mad Here Ring from The Silver Shed  /  Peppermint Soy Candle from East Wick

H and I are especially excited to be heading into London this weekend to check out our fave craft fair for it's first spring show. Renegade is where you find the best of the best designer makers so we always love our trips to the Old Truman Brewery to get our fix and pick up some unique pieces at the same time. I have already picked out some of the bits I want to get whilst I'm there.

What are you up to this weekend? Will we see you at Renegade? or are you planning on doing some making of your own?

Sammy xxx

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