Makers Month: Make it: Liberty Print Elbow Patches

Obviously we couldn't go through our Maker's Month without using a little Liberty fabric!  We were lucky enough to be given some fabrics from the lovely people at Liberty, when we went to the event that The New Craft Society organised with them back in March, you can see our post here.

So what better way to use some lovely fabric, than with some elbow patches to jazz up a plain jumper.  I do love an elbow patch, maybe it's the geek in me! So I thought it would be great to update the look.

You will need: Jumper, Scissors, Pinking Shears, Fabric, Bondaweb, Patch pattern, Embroidery Thread, Needle, Tape measure, Tailors Chalk, Iron.

You will need to pop your jumper on so that you know where your patches need to go.  Use some tailors chalk to mark where your elbows sit and a rough idea of top/bottom and edges so that when you take off the jumper you will have it nice and straight.

Use your tape measure to measure down from the shoulder seem so that they sit around the same area on each side.

Cut out a rough size piece of fabric and add the bondaweb to the back.

Using your pattern piece (I have done an oval shape, but you can do any shape you like, heart, star etc) cut out two pieces of fabric for your patches.  I would cut slightly larger than your pattern piece so that when you go around the edge with your pinking shears you have a similar size to your original plan.  You don't have to use pinking shears but I thought it added a nice effect.
Then peel back your bondaweb, so that the glue is ready to be attached to your jumper.

Iron on your patches to where you have marked on your jumper, making sure the edges are all glued down.

Using a similar or contrasting (depending on the look you are going for) embroidery thread, (I stranded mine down to 3 to make it slightly less chunky) sew around the edge of the patch to ensure that it definitely stays in place but also it adds a little something to the look.

Then your done! Go forth and enjoy your new Jumper, an easy update for a plain jumper and something which no one else will have.

If you do have a go at this project please tweet or Instagram us a picture with #livelovemake.

As you read this I will be in Berlin and so Guten Tag to you all!

 Live, Love, Make, Like, Share, Follow, Tweet, Pin, Add, Enjoy. 

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