Makers Month: Who's Who: Corby Tindersticks

As you know we are in Makers Month here at Live it. Love it. Make it and so we couldn't leave out one of our favourite features, the Who's who.  We have a bumper crop for you this month and so we start with Corby Tindersticks.  Let's find out all about them.

Who are you?
Hello! I'm Carly Joleene Gledhill, designer, maker and chief Martini stirrer at Corby Tindersticks!

What do you do?
I design and make a collection of toys, clothing and ace stuff for kids (and grown-ups).  Corby is a brand with a love for childhood obsessions, collecting, making, digging in the mud and making art with pasta! These are all things which inspire the design process. I still get excited with little things that I loved as a child (like cool sticker books and collecting) which is why I try and incorporate all of these aspects into the designs.

How did you start?
I won a colouring competition at a local park at the age of 7 and realised that being creative was my calling. I started Corby as a creative escape from a boring day job. It began as a hobby and sprouted into a little business which soon took over my life and kitchen table.

What's Next?
I have just finished designing the Summer 2015 range which is behind schedule as usual! I'm really excited with the new collection as it has an approach to the previous collections.
I have also collaborated with a good friend of mine Catherine Lobster on a Poco Nido/Corby project (Poco Sticks!) which launched at Playtime Paris this summer.
I'm also a co-founder of the Dot to Dot London trade showroom which took place this July at the V&A Museum of Childhood. We had some ace brands joining us this season and the show is growing so it's really exciting to be part of it! phew!

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to the beginning?
You'll get there in the end!

Sounds like Carly is keeping pretty busy and we just loves the playful nature of Corby Tindersticks. When we get older we often loose the fun of finding out new things and so going back to your childlike state encourages adventure.  Something we definitely like here at Live it. Love it. Make it.

Keep an eye out for next week's Who's Who!
H & Sammy

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