Make it: Felt Cards with Blooming Felt

You may have seen some of our posts with Blooming Felt and now we have another one for you.  Making cards can be a fun and simple thing to do for birthdays and celebrations.  Especially as you can be more personal to the recipient.

I made up a few cards for a few celebrations this year and so I thought I would show you just how simple it is.

This first one, was for a child's birthday and so its all about bright colours and keeping it fun.  We have a bit of a thing in my family about Elephants and so it was just the perfect thing for my niece's birthday.

I just drew on the back of the sheets of felt - making sure I reversed my picture so that it came out the right way around when I cut it out and laid it down on the card.  Then it was just a matter of gluing each piece in place and drawing on the balloon cord with pen.

Next up, I made a card for my mum using the pre-cut shapes that Blooming felt also sell.

This was even simpler.  Just think of how you want the shapes to be placed, glue in place and voila!

Again I drew the stalk with pen, but you can make a stalk by cutting a piece from the felt sheets.

Which sort of card would you make?  You could make it even more fun, with dinosaurs or make your own fuzzy felt card - remember them!  Let us know in the comments below or #livelovemake on instagram or twitter.
