Food for feasting this Christmas

I don't know about you, but all thoughts go to food at this time of year and that's even before Christmas Dinner!

I can see people on social media booking their online supermarket shop delivery spot in November and so I know food is a high priority for lots of you out there.

Obviously the main events on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are thought of, but how about all those other little treats along the way?  I have tried to find some dairy free treats which mean that I don't have to miss out on the snacks while everyone else tucks in too.  It really is simple to make dairy free and so maybe this will give some helpful hints for those of you who find it tricky to work around allergies.

First up are these oh so cute Christmas Pudding oreos from biscuit cushion maker extraordinaire Nikki Mcwilliams.  She may make biscuit cushions most of the time but she came up with a great Christmas snack to take to parties this time of year.

Then a savoury snack that gets a party started is Sausage rolls.  These Moroccan flavoured ones will mean everyone will want to try them out.  No special snacks for the dairy free person here.

Another savoury one and this time off to Mexico for these mini fajita's.  You can even make them with the leftover Turkey from Christmas dinner.  So simple to do and good for a lunch box if you are back to work soon after the Christmas period.

Lastly, but by no means least.  How about something a little different for this time of year, Doughnuts!  These ones do happen to be vegan too, so have got all bases covered for a party at yours.

I don't know about you, but all these snacks are making me very hungry!  A few more ingredients to add to the shopping list too!  Any excuse for more food!

H, xxx

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