Who are you?
I am Michelle Kreussel from The Fox in the Attic.
What do you do?
I make hand-embroidered soft-toy animals, cushions,
pincushions, decorative items and printed tote bags.
How did you start?
As a child my grandmother taught me embroidery, and on a
spontaneous whim one day a few years ago, I decided to start sewing and
embroidering. I found I loved it, and quickly became more than adept at it.
What’s next?
I am currently working on a new range of printed characters
that will coincide with the children's book my husband is writing.
What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to
the beginning?
Stop stressing so much! Everything works out in the end if
you work hard and you love what you are doing.
The cushions are so cute, right! much more fun than the normal square ones and would look just as great in an adult room as a child's!
They make you smile just by looking at them.
H & Sammy