Love it: Autumn

Autumn is by far my favourite time of year. I am a person who loves being cosy, and snuggling up at home with my hubby and our cats is my favourite thing to do in the whole world. It is a time of year when for me work gets hectic so my home is the calm, soft, warm place I can retreat to when it all gets a bit crazy. It is a time I usually get to reflect on the year that, like so many before it, has gone by way too fast and dream of the plans I can make for the last few months of the year.

Reading: I have a long list of books to catch up on as I went on two very busy holidays this year I am so behind on my quota for the year! I have had #Girlboss on my list forever so I am definitely going to have some internet free evenings reading some good books. Also on my list are The five people you meet in heaven, The Starcrossed Trilogy and Noughts and Crosses.  What great books have you read lately?

Baking: I Love baking but I am pretty rubbish at it, so I always head for foolproof recipes like cookies or biscuits as you can't really go wrong with cookies and they go so nicely with a cuppa.

Eating: Comfort food, Oh my! I can't get enough of mashed potato, gravy, pie, and rustic roasted veg at this time of year. I love to use my oven again now that the weather has cooled off and comfort food is at the top of my list along with yummy soups and crusty bread.

Watching: Horror movies, it is the month of All Hallows Eve after all! Steve and I love a good horror film, the cheesy 80's and 90's ones are our favourites. I also can't wait for the new season of American Horror Story.  I have seen the trailer and this season is based around a Freak show, I just love anything circus themed! it is going to be epic. What's your favourite scary movie...?

Buying: Boots, jumpers and coats are all on my shopping list. There is nothing better than finding that perfect winter boot and coat combination. I love wrapping up warm on a crisp morning and getting to put on one of my favourite scarves.

Smelling: Apple, Cinnamon, Pumpkin and Spiced Chai latte are my favourite smells in all the world.

Drinking: Peanut Hottie is by far the best hot drink I have ever found, and I cannot wait to indulge in my weekly mug now that the chillier weather has returned.

Going: Out for walks at magic hour. I love heading out when the air is crisp and the sun is low in the sky with my camera to capture some of the best colours nature has to offer.

Wearing: Pyjamas, as much as possible, preferably with some kind of cute animal printed on the front. Oh and slippers, always slippers, always from Accessorize, and always furry lined.

Making: Lots of fun things for Halloween at my shop I always love creating the costumes for our mannequins the most because it is the one time of year I can go all out on them and create something really fun and eye catching. Then getting a start on making some Christmas gifts for family and friends. What are you making this season?

Have a lovely Autumnal weekend
Sammy xxx

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