Make it: Pillowcase Dresses at Drink Shop Do

So tonight, I went to Drink, shop & do to go support a friend of mine for her Pillowcase Dress Challenge. I got there just after 6 and the place was already busy with post work chin-waggers and some early bird decorators.

Alison from Peggy's Pickles and friends had been busy making the dresses over the past few months and now it was time for a little helping hand from the Drink, shop & do crowd to decorate and embellish the dresses, so that they can go to little girls in Africa.

Now it may not be how everyone wants to give to charity, but I think that every little girl wherever they may be, would love to have a dress and something which has been handmade makes it that little bit more special.

Now, unfortunately I forgot to photos of my endeavours, but trust me that in a few hours I had decorated 3 dresses!  A rosette for one, a decorated pocket for another and daisy decorations for the third.  Go have a look at Alison's blog in the next few days and I am sure she will have many a photo up on there, even perhaps with my concentration face on!

Promise to take photos next time!