Makers Month: Whats on all our desks

We thought as this month is all about the makers it would only be right to get a bunch of our fave creatives to share their desks rather than ours for a change and who doesn't like a nosey at other peoples workstations!! Here are a bunch (and we mean bunch) of amazing desks from some amazing makers, enjoy.

Claire from Claireabellemakes
I use a massive pegboard to store all my most used supplies and to display motivational prints and pretty things.  A new addition to the space is the washi storage - I used a wooden dowel from the hardware store (£1.50) attached to some pegboard hooks. The card rack (from HEMA) stores some of my stock.

Sam from Fantastic Crafty Fox
On my desk I keep my growing collection of pens, pencils and washi tape! And of course my sewing machine. I have a pin board that hangs above my desk that is my visual inspiration board filled with cut outs from magazines with photo ideas and colour and texture ideas. I keep inspirational quotes and have a selection of business cards I have collected from craft fairs and handmade buyers. I like to keep it bright and happy to keep me motivated.

Hackney Potter
Here I am about to throw some marbled mugs, you can't really tell but the clay on the wheel is a mix of white yellow and green! On the shelf above from R-L are my Hato Press and Moleskin notebooks that go everywhere with me. A coffee in my favourite yellow and white marbled mug from my current range, some dyed clay, a pot with some tools, and a couple of my planters at the side too. Succulents are the perfect studio plant as they tend to be very hardy and don't need much attention !!

Fran from Fall for DIY
I was lucky enough to move into my studio at the beginning of this year and it makes the world of difference having a desk that is solely to work at. Instead of constantly moving things around to take photos I can fill my desk with the prettiest things! I particularly love my print from The Lovely Drawer and my woven wall hanging I made for We Make Collective. And of course you need lots of plants to create a beautiful green space too!

Anna from Custom Made
It’s been a busy month here at CM HQ. As well as out usual orders etc I have been working on samples for a High Summer collection. I found a lovely new mint green acrylic and as soon as I saw it knew I had to order some for the range. I have been playing with colours to sit with it in illustrator so it’s always fun getting all the cut pieces laid out and working on getting new jewellery together. Watch this space!

So what do you think? Its great to see behind the scenes of some of our favs and see what is currently sitting on their desks.  Love a bit of a nosey and so it definitely appeals to this side.

Who's desk would you love to take a look at?  Maybe we can get them the next time.
H & Sammy, xxx

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