Makers Month: Lets Meet: Nylon Sky

It's a bumper crop for you this month as we have another Let's Meet for #makersmonth.  This time we had a chat with Jennifer from Nylon Sky.  We have admired her work for a while and so are super excited to bring her work to your attention - if you haven't seen it before now of course!

What was the first thing you remember making?
I was constantly making stuff as a child, I have a strong memory of my sister and I dressed up in costumes we had made from cardboard boxes and shredded newspaper, haha, we we were quite resourceful with our materials!

How did you find your creative side?
Creativity was always with me, for as long as I can remember. Art and English literature were my favourite subjects at school. Later I went on to study Textile Design at Uni and always knew I would work in the creative industries, whether it be with my own brand or otherwise.

What has been your favourite ever make? Whether that be for your business or pleasure – tell us about it.
In the autumn I launched series of foil printed notebooks, which was a small but significant step for my brand, having been focused on producing jewellery for the last 5 years.  Now I’m working on a range of interior products which will launch in September, so I’m really looking forward to expanding further in a new direction.
What are your favourite ways to stay inspired?
Travelling is a huge inspiration to me! Exploring the sights and sounds of a new, unfamiliar place – the further away from the norm the better.  I love to visit new art exhibitions also. I’m living in Barcelona at the moment and I’ve found that being in the sun and swimming outside helps me to focus, giving me time to think and feed ideas.

Who are your favourite Designer/Makers right now?
I can’t get enough of Danish design brand HAY, I’m slowly filling up my apartment with there pieces, one by one. Plus, I’ve recently discovered the beautiful ceramics form Australian designers Twocan Studio, colourful drippy loveliness!

What crafty item is top of your wishlist?
I’m not sure what’s on my future wish list, but recently I’m doing a lot of collage with coloured papers and paint, it’s refreshing to step away from the computer and do something much more organic.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?
Go on random adventures, eat delicious homemade food, drink a nice, cold gin tonic and go to the beach.! Not necessarily in that order.

Tell us a bit about what you have coming up?  any little projects you want to tell us about.
At the moment I’m taking a break from jewellery design and focused on designing a range of interior products, to include cushions and tableware. Can’t wait to reveal more!

Thanks so much to Jennifer for taking time out to chat to us, especially with the design of new products looming!  It's great to hear she is turning her hand to interior products, a new interiors obsession is born!

H & Sammy, xxx

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