Monogram Gifts

Letter tags  /  Letter stamp  /  Letter stocking  /  Floral letter  /  Marquee letter  /  Letter pouch     Letter print  /  Letter tag  /  Letter make-up bag  /  letter notes  /  Letter Stocking (DIY)  /  Letter Card

Nothing says 'I bought this just for you' like a gift embellished with the recipients initial. Monograms are a great way to make a gift really personal. These are my pick of the best options around this Christmas. Of course I had to slip in cheeky DIY in there, but adding an initial to an existing gift is also easy to do with a tag or a motif.

How are you getting on with your Christmas gift buying? Are you all done and wrapped or are you just beginning? I'm looking forward to finishing mine off this week, then the wrapping will commence!

Have a great weekend
Sammy xxx

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