Live it: Sew Crafty and the Torch

Well it is a Historic day for any town in the UK when the Olympic torch makes its way through. On the 10th of July at 11.15 am it was Maidenheads turn. As many of you already know I am hugely proud of the town I call my home and yesterday Maidonian's didn't disappoint, coming out in force to watch the torch jog down our High Street!

My little store was lucky enough to be on the route so we had an amazing view! We were able to open up as usual and just take in the atmosphere as people started to arrive.

There was a lovely old chap took up his position at 8.45am so he knew he would have the best view, within easy reach of refreshment at 'The Bear'... I don't blame him!
 By 10.30am our end of the street had started to bustle with BBC news crews and excited children waiting for the once in a lifetime view of the Olympic torch running past our noses, in true British spite of the weather!
I took my space next to my Dad, Miss Anna one of our Groves Sales reps and friend of the shop Russel, so I could get a good Photo of the torch as it passed our shop.

 I couldn't resist a cheeky pic of Maidenhead's finest keeping the crowds in order... Hot fuzz!

Some of the locals even taking to the rooftops to get a view as the streets became packed with residents and visitors of all ages. With a cheer that rippled down the street the police escort arrived, waving to the crowds, anyone would have thought we were there for them :)

The music from the sponsor's vehicles hit us well before they did, with cheerleaders getting us in the mood for the torches arrival from Samsung's blue bus, and Coca Cola handing out free drinks, from their party bus.

Although we were all hoping that the LloydsTSB bus signalled free money as the Cola bus had offered us with drink, alas it was not to be, but they did have some fancy acrobats, and a super cool retro vehicle!

As our neighbours lent further out of their windows to get a better view I knew the main event was on its way, and then with a loud roar from the crowds the golden torch appeared, held aloft by our sections torch bearer Bob Block, MD. 

He looked right in to my lens and gave me a beaming smile as he jogged past! He looked so excited to be greeted by so many people, I think the smile on his face will be lasting for quite some time!

The torch was carried by Bob Block age 69.
As the 2011-12 American Academy of Pediatrics president, Robert Block, MD, has capitalised on his extensive leadership in children's health and well-being to make a difference in health care policy development. He is also an award-winning teacher in general pediatrics and manages a thriving paediatric clinic for more than 12,000 children. Having presented more than 2,000 community and professional talks, Dr. Block believes that delivering the best health care has only limited value unless all children have equal access. His incredible commitment to children's health over the past four decades inspired Coca-Cola to recognise him for the Olympic Torch Relay.

 As you can see I managed to get my little shop in the back of the shot too!
 This is definatly one for the Sew Crafty scrapbook.

Living it in Gold! It's the new black, don't you know!

Sammy xxx