Make it: Haberdashery Baubles

Its that time of year again, when we just have to share another fun bauble idea for your tree, it's becoming a bit of a tradition here that H gets to make a new bauble.  This year I thought I would go the fun Haberdashery way with some treats picked up from Sew Crafty

You will need: Clear fillable baubles, thin ribbon for hangers, any haberdashery of your choice - I chose ribbon, lace and pom poms.
These are really simple and honestly I am not sure it really requires a 'tutorial', but hey its Christmas and why not share an idea or two for your tree.

Simply, choose your haberdashery of choice in the colours that go with your theme, or if your like me and its all about all the colours on your Christmas Tree, then just choose all the colours.   I went with a simple grey, lilac and teal trio for this tutorial, but really any colours and small bits and pieces will do.  You could put feathers in them, sequins, buttons or even a big ball of all that leftover thread that looks all pretty together.
Then, its as simple as threading some thin ribbon through the loops and popping on your tree, twig or wall decoration. Whatever your tree looks like this year you can create your own cute theme in these fillable baubles. Small kids toys, chocolates or the natural choice of leaves and twigs would all look great too.
The best thing is that every year you can change what you put inside and so no more boxes and boxes of wasted baubles, just change up what goes inside.

What would you put inside?


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