Live it. Love it. Make it...... with us!

Hi there, so firstly welcome to our blog. 

We should introduce ourselves, we are Heather and Samantha if we are out for tea or H and Sam if we are in the pub.  After meeting on our first day of college and then following many many years of being creative and loving all things artistic, we decided that it might be a great idea to share our likes, loves and makes with all you lovely people out there.

We considered writing a book but we thought that was a little 19th century..... And how could we update it when we found new goodies (this happens alot)... it would turn into a weekly magazine (without articles about any Z list's marital affairs of course)..... So we decided a blog was a super fancy pants idea!

Now, don't get us wrong, this is by no means intended to be a ‘how to guide’ to becoming a creative/domestic/fashion goddess (delete as you will) or way to live your life, because let’s face it, these 'guides' look pretty adoring on our coffee tables, but I don’t know about you, that’s as far as they come to being useful for us in the real world.

Our blog is just about what we LOVE and we wanna share it with you, we would like encourage you guys to use your own skills, whatever they may be, to try perhaps to do things a little differently every now and again.  It could be exploring a new place, trying to create something special or finding out an interesting titbit that you never knew before, but you know what, we hope it’s going to be hell of a lot of fun along and way!

As we both are in different places, geographically and in our lives (in some respects), we love to meet up and like most girls, we SHOP and of course eat gorgeous food!  But I think the main difference is that we are always looking at things a little differently, things that we could make rather than just buying. (Sam always gets me in a Haberdashery/craft shop at some point, no matter where we are!)

So here we are, the start of something hopefully special, so keep an eye on what we are up to and let us know if there is anywhere we should check out, I (H) do LOVE to explore!

Heather (me) and Samantha (and me)

Live it . Love it . Make it